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10 septembre 2014 3 10 /09 /septembre /2014 02:29

We had an excellent training session yesterday, 20 people on the pitch... good game but 2 knee injuries have been reported.

Regarding the rules; let's try to sum up some that could be followed a little more...


- Defense distance after a touch: defense line shall immediately reverse 5 meters as soon as the touch is done. It means clearly that defense do not touch again (even if attack has re-started)  unless it has been doing the effort to come back at 5 meters. The defense line shall be reversing quickly, not at walking speed.


- 5 meters from the score line: When the game is paused (for a touch or else) within 5 meters from the score line, the attack team must reverse 5 meters from the score line prior to restart the game, and the defense team must be standing ON the score line at this moment.


- Attack team being touched: must come back where it was touched prior to restart the game. The ball holder is often moving 2 or 3 meters passed the touch location. He must not start the game where he ends his run but back to where he was touched.

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4 septembre 2014 4 04 /09 /septembre /2014 01:53



Recently we've had a good game on the pitch with new faces. Everyone from last season is glad to welcome new comers either from Total or not.

Unfortunately Eric is leaving soon after 2 trainings only. Hope he continues to train in Argentina ! The'yre quite good at that... Also special attention to Francois Millancourt how's leaving for Angola after many trainings as coach or player. Take care guys !

Let's try to sum up the first names of the bears on the picture, (this is just to remind people's names so the players can shout the correct names when the call for the ball)

From top left: François, Sarwani, Gregoire, David, Benjamin, Jacques, Nicholas, François,

From bot left: Pierre, Joe, Eric, Fred, Mathieu, Hernan, Yann.

Behind the camera: Sebastien Arnold.

Missing players on the pic: Tifany (yes, a lady!), Xavier, Claude, Bastien, Fabrice, and maybe some more... This brings the team to around 20 players at the very first training of this season 2014-2015 !!! More to come probably.

This article will be sent out to our compoud web master (Ibu B) in order to attract new comers (touch rugby is not as dangerous as conventional rugby !) and register for touch rugby training (free..) by sending a simple mail to sebastien.arnold@total.com or xavier.degos@total.com.

Cheers !



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21 mai 2013 2 21 /05 /mai /2013 08:05

Congratulations on Balikpapan Bears participation to Jakarta 10’s tournament, and thanks to our partners for their help.

It was a tough day for all of us, very hard job, with several injuries (especially Hugo), some disappointment also … but we had a lot of fun and we have got a good experience for next year.

In addition to our JKT 10s dedicated photo folder, there are other pictures and a good summary of the tournament on Jakarta Komodo website (Indonesian rugby Clubs Link).

As Hugo is used to say, now it is time for “BINOUZE !”


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10 avril 2013 3 10 /04 /avril /2013 08:11

BPN-TEAM-2013 15x20

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27 mars 2013 3 27 /03 /mars /2013 14:34


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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 07:10


You do not know what to do next Sunday?
Maybe you need a bit of sport ... or do you prefer a drink on the pitch side?
So come and participate in a Touch Rugby or Tag Rugby next Sunday, February 17 at 10:00 am at the Community Center.

Simple rules and no tackle, so everyone can play, adults and children. No registration needed !

If you plan to come, you need to bring your short, t-shirt and sport shoes. Thank you also bring a drink and some snacks for an aperitif after the game !


For more information, you can contact Jerome Hennuy, Philippe Lans, Francois Millancourt ou Xavier Flammand

Thanks to all Bears for this very nice moment. We had a lot of fun with tag rugby and after ... 

Here is a nice picture of our Family: DSC 6200

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 06:28

Who are we ?

Managed by expatriates (from the Oil industry mainly), the Balikpapan Rugby Team is composed of both Indonesian and expatriates players, from all levels and experience. For the past few years, we regularly participated in Indonesian rugby tournaments under the Indonesian Rugby Union frame (Website: http://indonesiarugbyunion.pitchero.com).

Our main objective is to promote the practice of rugby in Kalimantan. Our achievements from the past years are really good. We are proud to count in our team Indonesian players regularly selected in the National squad (Indonesian Rhino's) during the Asian 5 Nations tournament and RWC qualification.


Our recent history:

2007: Participation in Bali 10's and Willy Cup. National selection of Victor and Ujuh. Victor played 2 games against Laos & Cambodia in Jakarta.

2008: Participation in Bali 10's, Jakarta 10's , organisation of Willy Cup and Jubilee game in BPN.

2009: Participation in Bandung and Jakarta 10's. National selection of Victor, Ribut, Deny & Bambang for 1 week IRFU training camp in Jakarta. Victor and Ribut went to Manilla to play with Rhino's against Iran and Guam. Finally, as part of the traditional Jubilee event for leaving players we played against Sengata team in Balikpapan.

2010: Several experienced players left Indonesia but we succeeded to incorporate new Indonesian and Expat players and maintain a competitive team. In April 2010, we organized the Anzac Day Cup with the Borneo Bears Australian Rules Football Club, where we played (and won) against the Sengata Team. In May 2010, we participated to the Jakarta 10's, bravely representing our colors, involving 4 Indonesian players in the team.

2 players (Ribut and Victor) have been selected to participate to one week training camp in Jakarta beginning of June and to play 2 games with the National squad (Rhino’s) during the A5N series on June 12th.

2011: A more irregular season. Nevertheless in April, we were happy to welcome the Anzac Day Cup with the Borneo Bears Australian Rules Football Club.

2012: Following some fresh expatriate recruitments in the summer, training has resumed more seriously. In April 2012 we were proud to welcome the Anzac Day Cup again and played and won against Sengata Hornbills rugby team. Ribut was once again selected to play with the National squad the world cup qualification for Asia series.


Our project for this new season:


The new season started in September 2012, our objectives remain the same, to promote the practice of rugby in Kalimantan and to increase Indonesian participation until autonomy. We want to continue to provide the opportunity to our international players to represent their country through Rhino's selection.

We propose a weekly training every Tuesday at 7.30pm in Total Complex pitch close to Pertamina refinery where everyone is very welcome and individual physic preparation once a week. Regularly we welcome Borneo Bears football club to join us for a common training. We have also started running a section for kids every Sunday from 5:30pm to 7:00pm in Total Complex.

For this season:

We plan to go to Sengata to play a friendly local game with Sengata Hornbills team.

We plan also to organize a common day event with Borneo Bears to play both rugby and Aussie rules football. This event could be open to all interested peoples.

We can organize a family tag competition to promote rugby.

If Borneo Bears plan to organize the 2013 Anzac day cup in Balikpapan, we will be very happy to welcome the event and to participate with a rugby game or demo.

We plan also to participate to Jakarta 10’s competition, beginning of May 2013 (one of the most known tournament in Indonesia), and if achieve a performing fund raising, maybe a second tournament to be defined later (Bali in October...?)

 Rugby Flyer 2012-2013

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7 janvier 2010 4 07 /01 /janvier /2010 21:01

Happy New Year 2010 to all Bears lovers...link


Some news written from the cold snowy French winter (God! -4/5 Celsius, snow and ice, who is talking about global warming?) to wish you a very cool and funky New Year 2010, health, beers and a lot of tackles of course.

I hope the Christmas break has been nice, with your family, your friends, people you love, etc...

For the Bears this year, we hope to be able to participate to Bandung and/or Jakarta 10's, to stabilize our players number and why not to be victorious somewhere ...


(Bon Christian, je reprend l'ecriture du blog, en mauvais anglais et avec moins de talent...desole pour les fans...)

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7 janvier 2010 4 07 /01 /janvier /2010 20:56

Dear Bears.

After the sad summer where too many experienced Bears (Christian, Eric, Thomas, Philippe, Nicolas, Guillaume) have left their Indonesian retreat, we had some difficulties to start our activity. Result, no Bali 10's 2009, poor numbers of rugbymen on Tuesday night (7.30 pm sharp @ Total Community Center, every week) and less fun.
But we are still alive, some new Indonesian players just join the team, driven by our fresh Indonesian Internationals (Ribut and Victor have been to Manilla to play the Asian 5 Nations with the Rhinos, for a very modest success, that true...)
Before the winter break (for expats), we had a small friendly event with the Borneo Bears, our best (and only) friends, to justify beers and Aussie burgers orgy on a very hot Saturday noon. 
Not enough to play a 10's game, too much to play a 7's, we played height aside for two halves of 10-15 mn under a burning sun.
Thus, 16 beautiful players oiled like a Grandma' Sunday roasted chicken gave a pleasant show to the numerous spectators (around 10-15 people, but more than 4 photographers !!).
To summarize this game:
 - Our old stars realized that after 30 years old, it is difficult to run more than 35m above 35 Celsius
 - New indonesian players showed their potential and/or their virginity facing a tough and rough game ...
 - Our Indonesian Internationals confirmed all the good things we are thinking about them...
... And Mathieu realized the horrible destiny of a lobster, becoming red after 30 min of cooking time.

The Borneo Bears did the same, inviting all the non dead rugby players to practice some Australian Football.

But definitely, the best place to stand on this hot afternoon was close to the Bintang "tireuse", where with a lot of abnegation we succeed to finish the 2nd keg, helped by nice and very interesting girls from the Sun Bears Sanctuary (n'est ce pas Mathieu !!) invited by the "experienced" Borneo Bears (good job guys...)

We hope 2010 will see lots of small friendly events like this one...

See you


See the corresponding album for more picts
Dec 092Dec 094Dec 093 

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27 septembre 2009 7 27 /09 /septembre /2009 10:13

Ca fait longtemps que personne n'a pris 2 minutes pour relater quoi que ce soit sur ce blog!!!

Faut-il arreter le blog? ..... certainement pas, car vous etes nombreux a y jeter regulierement un coup d' oeil... 70 pages consultees tous les mois en moyenne... ce n' est pas si mal que ca...

Bon, le Jubilee 2009... beaucoup de choses a raconter et d' autres a taire (?). Non finalement rien a taire... ce fut une tres BELLE journee, ensoleillee, mais pas trop, et un finish au Grandeur, avec un bon diner et un match NOUVELLE-ZELANDE FRANCE de toute beaute... Ca jouait aussi bien qu' a Balikpapan l' apres-midi...

Photo d' avant match - 46 joueurs sur cette photo...

Voila, le Jubilee est maintenant devenu une tradition, que nous avons pimentee cette annee en invitant l'equipe des SANGATTA HORNBILLS, de valeureux guerriers qui ont fait la demonstration du beau jeu de rugby Indonesien, volontaire et technique... car il a bien fallu puiser dans des reserves physiques (pack de ~800kg pour les BEARS) et morales exceptionnelles (on s' est meme presque pas engueles...) pour venir a bout d'une rencontre haute en couleurs... ou Sangatta, un rien supportee par l' arbitre, nous donnait du fil a retordre pendant les deux mi-temps.

Des l'entame, les premieres blessures venaient handicaper notre equipe... Le beau PATRICIO, qui s' etait bien echauffe les cuisses, mais avait oublie de s' echauffer les bras... du coup, retournement du coude des la premiere tentative de plaquage... beaucoup de nos chances s'evanouissaint d'un coup, car nous perdions notre "9" de remplacement... il faudrait compter sur Ribut pour toute la partie, son inexperience etant compensee par des qualites physiques et une volonte exceptionnelles... Il a tres bien joue le PETIT...

Sangatta prenait le score a son avantage tres rapidement... apres 10 melees poussees, d'ou on entend encore le craquement de certaines vertebres indigenes... Nos gars etaient tres forts, un pack d' acier qui ne bougeait pas...mais qui avait tendance a se disperser... Les Hornbills sont passes... il a fallu se reveiller rapidement...

Quelques essais de veterans et du grand Florian remettaient les Bears dans le droit chemin... du coup nous menions a la mi-temps 2 essais a 0... La, il fallait remettre quelques pendules a l' heure, et reclamer un jeu plus collectif... car la bataille avait fait rage, ca claquait, ca cassait... mais c' etait un peu disperse... plus chez les Bears que chez les Hornbills.. Derriere, on avait mange quelques ballons... mais bon, c' est pas facile de toujours donner la balle. Moi a l' ecole, je ne la donnais jamais quand je l' avais!

Le combat

La deuxieme mi-temps a vu les Bears encore dominer territorialement, mais au score board, on restait timides... Il a fallu ce dernier essai d'OLIVIER, sur une passe de toute classe de Matthieu, pour inscrire ce quatrieme et dernier essai des BALIKPAPAN BEARS.

Le Jubilee se terminait peu apres avoir evacue notre demi d'ouverture, Matthieu, qui payait cher son escapade de l' essai, avec une double rupture des ligaments... c' est difficile de s' en casser plus en un seul coup...  On a appris qu' il est revenu a Balikpapan recemment, mais qu'il reste en convalescence encore pour un long moment... 

De cette belle journee, on retiendra tout de meme que Balikpapan, sur les deux dernieres annees, a fait de beaux progres et de bons recrutements (meme Robert s' y est mis!), que le plaisir de jouer a toujours ete la... et que le developpement du rugby indonesien est une necessite, plus que jamais, et que Sangatta nous a montre un bel exemple a suivre.

Aussi que notre amitie avec les BORNEO BEARS est indivisible, et que leur match d'ouverture, leur participation de l' apres-midi et du soir, et la remise du TROPHEE de l'Amitie entre les deux clubs vaut tout l'or du monde.

Remise du Trophee de l' amitie par Gene Wiggins & Neville Hill

Finalement, on souhaite a Philippe, Thomas, Michel, Erick, Guillaume, Nicolas et Christian, une bonne continuation ou une belle retraite rugbystique, bien meritee... 

D'un Balikpapan Bear, exile a Moscou.


Autres PHOTOS chargees Dans JUBILEE-2009

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